When I started down my yogic path in 2002, it was merely a way to exercise.  The power yoga I was practicing gave me the same feeling of accomplishment that sports and exercise had always provided.  What I didn’t realize at the time, was that as a young woman finding her way in the world, yoga gave me a place to land as everything else continued to change.  I was not committed to a daily practice at that time, but every time I made it to class I knew that was exactly what I needed; it was where I was supposed to be; and, the work I was doing on my mat was so good for my whole being.

I stumbled on and off the mat for many years following – finishing college, getting married, moving cities, changing jobs, and basically burning a fuse at both ends most days.  After the birth of my first child, I needed to find my yoga mat again.  I had moved back to my home town where there were no yoga studios.  While I did make the trip into Charlotte occasionally for yoga, I felt like our community could really use a good yoga studio.  I decided to learn to teach yoga without clear concept in my mind of what it would become.  It was one of those times intuition stepped in, and I made a commitment to something I had never really thought I would do.  I completed my 200 hour Power Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training with Dolly Stavros and then went on to open a yoga studio that blessed me for 3 years.  The yoga studio allowed me to be part of a dynamic energy and group of people that taught me more than I ever knew possible. 

I continue to be a student of yoga, a teacher of yoga, a mom of two beautiful boys, a wife, a friend, a daughter.  Yoga blesses all these relationships each day by what it has taught me in my path to know myself.  I am better at each of these roles because yoga showed my mind and body how truly be who I was intended to be without the struggle.

Since 2002, I have been involved in healing therapies, whether it be with massage therapy, Thai bodywork, or teaching yoga.  These modalities enrich my life, and I love to share the benefits.    My yoga practice is inspired by teachers who bring the serious art of healing together with the playful aspect of the spirit – all in a package that directs and allows students to reach their edge.

As a teacher, I want to allow you the space to bring everything you have to your mat each time you step into the room.  I want you to realize that setting intentions is a powerful tool; that awareness and intentional thought and movement makes change.  I want you to find comfort in knowing you have everything already inside of you to be who you are truly meant to be.  I want you to know that who you are on any given day, in any given circumstance is enough.  YOU are more than enough.  When you come to your mat and your life with presence, with intention, with compassion, and with persistence, you will always be more than enough.

And, of course, I want to do some rockin’ yoga!